Disappointments Room (2016/Fox DVD)
B- Sound: B- Extras: C Film: C+
feel that Kate Beckinsale is one of the most underrated actresses in
Hollywood. While she tends to pick some films that aren't
necessarily great, she gives her all in every performance she does
and really ignites the screen with her beautiful yet unique presence.
The Disappointments Room (2016) isn't one of her best films,
nor her worst, but pits her into the stereotypical ghost movie 'Mom'
role - where she is uncovering a bizarre scary mystery that nobody
believes her at first but does later, much like Jennifer Connelly in
the Dark Water (2005) remake and even Naomi Watts in American
version of The Ring (2002).
by D.J. Caruso (Disturbia, Eagle Eye, the recent &
third XXX film), The Disappointments Room is a slow
moving supernatural thriller, with many aspects of other films in the
same genre, that remains mediocre when it could have been more. The
film also stars Mel Raido, Lucas Til, and Duncan Joiner to name a
architect named Dana (Beckinsale), her Husband (Raido), and son
(Joiner) move from the big city to a 'fixer-upper' in the
countryside. While they struggle to adjust to this new way of living
and leaky ceilings, Dana discovers a room that wasn't on the floor
plans of the house originally. Once she unlocks the room finding a
hidden key, she soon realizes that the intentions of the room in the
past weren't necessarily friendly... and may threaten her family in
the present.
in standard definition with an an anamorphic widescreen aspect ratio
of 2.39:1 and a lossy Dolby Digital 5.1 track, the film looks and
sounds fine for DVD, but could obviously be improved by a yet to be
released high definition edition.
Features include...
Inside the Disappointments Room
not fantastic, I think The Disappointments Room is getting a
lot of flack and really isn't as bad as everyone if leading you to
believe. On the same level, if not a little higher, than the recent
Ouija films, The Disappointments Room is a ghostly
thriller with some elements you may find familiar, and a film worth
checking out for Beckinsale alone. Heck, she's even a blonde this
James Lockhart