A Study in Scarlet - Season One (2014/Film Detective DVD)
C Sound: C Extras: D Episodes: C+
Whitlock (Lauren Tess) and Fawn Watkins (Mary Guilliams) are
consultants for the police when there is a murder and they have no
leads. Whitlock and Watkins team up for their first case together as
they deduce the who, what, where and why of the murder in Whitlock:
A Study in Scarlet - Season One (2014).
Whitlock is an egotistic, drug addict who at times doesn't mind
'poisoning' her 'clients/suspects' with 'chamomile tea' in order to
solve her case. Watkins joins Whitlock because she needs a place to
stay and Whitlock needs 'partner' (ahem ...driver) because of her
'proclivities'. And also because of her aid in solving the cases,
the police department turns turns a blind eye to her habits and
methods, then also pays her to solve their unsolvable cases.
film openly admits it is a homage to the Sherlock Holmes and John
Watson characters created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, but instead of
males characters, what if they made the entire cast female
characters? (Which makes you think what if movies reverse their
genders, would it change how we saw the movie?) Each 'episode' was
less than 5 minutes long which I can only deduce is because of
a limited budget, time and cast. Now you can see for yourself.
anamorphically enhanced 1.78 X 1 image and lossy Dolby Digital 2.0
Stereo are a bit weak and rough, so we can consider that a part of
the production budget limits as well. The only extra is an interview
with Lauren Tess.
Ricky Chiang