Revisions (2013/SGL Entertainment/MVD Visual DVD)
C+ Sound: B- Extras: C- Film: C-
Blair's Deadly Revisions (2013) is, you guessed it, a horror
movie about a writer.
up in a hospital bed with no memory and nerve damage, a writer sees a
psychiatrist, who puts him under hypnotherapy in an attempt to regain
his mind. Haunted by memories of a failed marriage and alone to his
thoughts on his own, the struggle between reality and fiction start
to weave as nightmarish visions become real.
cast of unknowns includes Bill Oberst Jr., Mikhal Blokh, Cindy
Merrill, and Lise Hart. The film starts out pretty slow but the
audience as much in the dark but once the writer gets hypnotized, we
go into flashbacks where he fights with his wife and discovers a dead
body at the end of the stairs. The cinematography is dark throughout
and not terrible, and a few of the characters that he sees in
'nightmare vision' are kinda cool, especially a couple masked
many ways the film reminds me of Secret Window with Johnny
Depp that came out a few years ago. The main character in that was
also a writer who was losing his grip on reality, finding solace in
his fictionalized reality. I enjoyed that film a little more than
this one, as I feel like this film has a less likeable lead and long
periods of character development where nothing but bad dialogue
really happens.
in standard definition with an anamorphic widescreen aspect ratio of
1.85:1 and a lossy Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo track, the film looks and
sounds okay for a low budget film, but has a murky transfer that is
very noisy with several shots that are in soft focus. The film looks
as if it was shot on Digital or with DSLR cameras, which commonly
produce this look. Extras include two trailers and a blooper reel.
in all, the low budget horror flick Deadly Revisions is a
decent effort with a look that reminds me of a '90s independent film
and an at-times familiar story that manages to be interesting,
despite its pace.
James Harland Lockhart V