Jesus (2015/Fox Blu-ray)
B Sound: C Extras: A Telefilm: C+
is the age-old Bible story of Jesus of Nazareth, of the man who would
later become know as the King of the Jews or Christ. But who was he?
Why was he crucified? Why was this man in particular who was so
beloved by the people made into martyr instead of welcomed? This is
story of Jesus is retold by an all star cast including Stephen Moyer,
Rufus Sewell, Emmauelle Chriqui, and Kelsey Grammer in Killing
killed Jesus, was it the Romans? The Jewish High Priests? Herod?
Pontious Pilate? Judas? In a time where there were many prophets
why was he singled out? The Romans were impartial, caring only to
collect their taxes, they only want stability but were influenced by
the Jewish High Priests who cared only about their own power, money
and influence over the people. While claiming to be right they
forgot they themselves were not above their own rules and were see as
hypocrites to their own people. What made Jesus different was he
preached to the poor instead of the rich and about equality, that how
a true king/ruler does not lord over the people but was a servant to
the people. Preaching equality and how social structure inequality
was unpopular to those in power and seen as a threat, and thus the
killing of Jesus was to keep the status quo of the corrupt.
was unique about this retelling of Jesus was there was no 'miracles',
rather it was about his political speech, messages and the reactions
of those he accused. Even without miracles, Jesus's talks alone was
enough to 'justify' to his killing for the High Priest. A lot of the
so called 'miracles' were more like what would happen if people just
treated each other kindly and fairly. A mixed work, for sure.
1080p 1.78 X 1 image is consistent if nothing special, but the
lossless DTS-HD MA (Master Audio) 5.1 mix is flat often throughout
and unimpressive. Extras include Cast members describing their
Characters, Costume design and make up, production and location
featurettes, director's vision, power struggles of the time, behind
the scenes and trailers.
Ricky Chiang