Purple: Perfect Strangers Live (1984/Eagle Vision DVD)
D Sound: C Extras: C Concert: C+
1984, after 11 years after their last performance, Mk II Deep Purple
is back for a world tour and their first big album in at least that
time. With Ritchie Blackmore, Ian Gillan, Roger Glover, Jon Lord and
Ian Paice, they played their famed album Perfect Strangers.
From Australia to North America they then went on world tour, the
revival and reunion became world renown, bring back rock n' roll from
the early 70s and this new Perfect Strangers Live DVD release
shows them in action on stage.
this recording, it is impressive that even after a decade, they
finally get their dream of going for a world tour again, the dream of
all legacy bands. They consider themselves more akin to country rock
than heavy metal, as the play, each member of the band gets a chance
for a solo and while the intro to each piece starts as a variation of
a well know song. In the end, it all somehow ends up with them
rifting on their instruments, scatting and wailing into the mic, but
it was a very commercially and critically successful tour for all.
is a re-issue of a concert from the 1980s, and unfortunately, most of
it was unprofessionally recorded and from the video grain quality it
looked like a transfer from VHS so I did not like the image at all.
The sound was very mixed at best. Extras includes interviews and a
Ricky Chiang