By An Angel: Season 8
(2001 – 2002/CBS DVD Set)
C Sound: C+ Extras: D Episodes: B+
8 of
By An Angel,
Monica, Tess and Andrew continue to do God's work and bring his
message of love to the people. Their ranks has grown by one with
their newest angel, Gloria. As they teach her the ways of angels and
humans, they continue to save souls, restore faith, guide the lost
and help people to find peace with God. Together they remind people
of what life's greatest treasure are, family, forgiveness, love and
with a their newest member of their family, Monica has received
another power, to see into people's past. As they continue to appear
to people at crucial turning points and crossroads in their lives,
they teach their newest angel how to be a messenger for God. As Tess
continues to lead the team and give assignments, Monica takes a more
leadership role in the training of Gloria. Andrew, the Angel of
Death, continues to guide souls to the afterlife or give warning that
their case have life or death on the balance, as well as teach the
value and meaning of life and death.
show continued to be a family friendly series, even if you are not
religious, as it teaches about love, understanding, tolerance and
forgiveness, and how miracles can happen when you believe. Each
episode focuses on a single person or family, often getting them to
reconcile after some tragedy or struggle in life. Every once in a
while, they would do an episode that relates real world events with
guess stars, such as survivors of 9-11 or have historical impact. It
reminds people how to face challenges in life and how face others
with an open heart.
We do not welcome the fuzzy 1.33 X 1 image with an open heart, shot
on 35mm film and finished on old analog NTSC video. It looks lame
throughout, though the lossy Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo is a little
better, but not by much and there are once again no extras.
of Holies
- As the angels teach Gloria about the laws of God, a fallen college
professor is on the verge of discovering the Ark of the Covenant for
the wrong reasons.
Perfect Game
- The angels must help a grandfather and father reconcile with the
past, so that his father do not make the same mistake with his son.
Birthday Present
- Gloria learns about death, as a mailman faces with the death of a
young boy because of an abusive father.
- The angels help teaches a young woman move on after a failed series
of relationships.
- A cartoonist clashes with her Jewish father by drawing racist
cartoons when he is a sexist bigot about her being female.
Last Words
- The angel must help a man on death row reconcile with his mother in
the last hours of his life.
- Gloria gets involve with teenage rebellion, raves, and drugs.
Sunny Gets the Blues
- A young man discover his long lost father has been a homeless
schizophrenic living in the streets.
- Angels help a group of students reconcile with their teacher who
lost faith with his teaching.
Winter Carol
- After 9-11, the angels must help a town, family and mayor get over
the lost of a dear friend.
Last Chapter
- The angels must get a journalist to tell the truth about how angels
saved her and her family long time ago.
- The
Angels must help a father after losing his daughter to let go his
fears and to trust to God.
Blue Angel
- The angels must help a bitter tv director to do the right thing
after 50 year instead of caring about ratings.
and Lies
- In order to save a daughter from leukemia, a father must find his
illegitimate son for a life saving bone marrow transplant.
Princess Bride
- All women dream of their perfect wedding day, but when a wedding
goes anything but right, the angels must show there is more to
marriage than a perfect wedding.
I Love You
- The angels help a young girl find her long lost father with only a
name to go on.
by Minute
- The angels must use a nun with a troubled past to stop two bullied
teenagers from blowing up their school.
Bells of St. Peter
- The angels must teach an overworked doctor to believe in miracles
to save her marriage.
Impossible Dream
- Everyone one in a man's family dreams have come true, expect for
that man, can the angel convince him to not give up on his dream?
All the Tea in China
- A couple wants to adopt a child from China, but their grandmother
refuses them to do so because of a secret in her past.
- The angels must help a family move on after their daughter was
violently killed by her football boyfriend.
Ricky Chiang