Sandbaggers - Set Three (1980/BFS DVD Set)
C+ Sound: C+ Extras: C+ Episodes: B
Mackintosh's The Sandbaggers concludes as Roy Marsden's Neil
Burnside, the head of the Special Intelligence Sector who runs these
special agents, faces being driven out of his job by forces that
include by a an older rival who just became his new boss, the
ever-obnoxious Peel, and an young upstart who would have his job. It
is urgent to note again that the entirety of the first two sets
should be seen in order before checking out this one.
title refers to special agents who do specific missions when
bureaucratic and political means fail. By this time, the section has
been hit harder than usual in the field, making Burnside's job even
more complicated.
are seven episodes in this third and final box, and like Dr. Who
(again, Michael Ferguson is a new director here who worked on both
shows), this is a series where the indoors are videotaped, while the
outdoors are filmed (or look film-like). Peter Creegan and Michael
Ferguson do the directing for the remaining shows. This series uses
actual film for that part. It was produced when color videotape (PAL
format in this case) was still a new thing, so that makes what you
see all the more unique. The technical aspects are above the
previous two boxes a bit, since the source material has survived a
bit better.
1.33 X 1 full screen images are in color and the disclaimer about
quality trouble that appeared at the beginning of the DVDs in the
previous two sets is absent on the three discs here. These video
images do not briefly shake at all. Producer/director Michael
Ferguson knows how to construct this world most convincingly, while
creator Ian Mackintosh's teleplays are some of the brightest ever
created for television anywhere. It is amazing how well this
particular series endures, over a dozen years after the end of The
Cold War, but these final shows got more into the subject and the
implications of Soviet success. If only they could have imagined the
world now.
lossy Dolby Digital 2.0 Mono is a bit above average in this case with
a little more clarity than the previous sets, again though, as clear
as it is going to get. The British accents can still get slightly
distorted, and these DVDs do not have captions or subtitles of any
kind either. Otherwise, it is serviceable and Roy Budd's music and
theme song is again, really good. Besides repeats of the brief guide
to the alphabet soup of abbreviations the characters use throughout
the series worth using to better understand what is going on
repeating itself on this set, other extras include an Ian Mackintosh
biography his brother Lawrie wrote, production stills from the show,
dialogue highlights form all the shows, and an episode guide to all
twenty shows with bonus information. The new extras are a text
section with an unshot prequel to the series by Mackintosh and a nice
15-minutes-long piece with Ray Lonnen (Sandbagger One) and Bob
Sherman (the CIA head in GB). I wanted even more!
final episodes here are:
in a Good Cause
Hell With Justice
Name is Anna Wise
We Play Dirty Too
Needs Enemies
Opposite Numbers
is the point where we usually give synopsis of each show, but we
cannot in this case, or we could give away too much. In general, the
shows increasingly flush out this often-dark world, and then we get
really good character development. These shows touch on things like
defection, Cold War politics on many levels, other aspects of 'the
special relationship' between the CIA & SIS (the Sandbagger
outfit, not the same as MI-5), the very great, overwhelming and real
fear of a Soviet-dominated world and more daring items that are as
bright today as ever, though a few are more dated than in previous
sets. In an ironic moment, Afghanistan is brought up; the site where
the USSR would have their Vietnam and the same site that sowed the
seeds for 9/11 and more Middle Eastern terrorism. This exceptionally
cast series includes Ray Lonnen (Sandbagger 1), Richard Vernon,
Richard Berson, Bob Sherman, Dennis Burgess, and a parade of top
talent that ups the suspense level with their convincing work. That
brings us to why such a great show abruptly ended.
Mackintosh disappeared! The former spy took an airplane flight and
was gone. Also, no wreckage or bodies were found in the immediate
area. Even as of presstime, no one still knows the truth about what
happened, though his brother discusses it in his bio of Ian. The
Lonnen/Sherman piece talks about the great skills of him and his
co-pilot, plus some fascinating postcard that offers a hint about
what happened.
is a real shame too, because no TV series on the subject has even
come close since to be anywhere as good as this. A late 1980s
Mission: Impossible revival on TV was killed by a writer's
strike before it could get started, and now it's a 'fun' and
ever-ongoing Tom Cruise franchise. Not even cable-TV, with all of
its high quality and artistic freedom has attempted anything as bold.
Thanks to many a bad James Bond-like film, Spy TV and cinema is
trivial these days on a grand scale. That is why it is such an event
for a great series like The Sandbaggers to be out on DVD. Set
Three completes a journey too short, as did The Prisoner,
though at least that show had closure and said what it had to say.
you get them in three volumes (or BFS is bold enough to do a mega-box
of all three sets later, or better, a Blu-ray set if they or someone
can finds the actual 16mm footage), The Sandbaggers belongs
with The Prisoner, The Avengers, The Saint, and
Secret Agent/Danger Man on your 4K/Blu-ray/DVD shelf, the way
you keep the James Bond films and Alfred Hitchcock classics on hand.
They are simply too important not to have. This series may be over,
but the story behind it is far from finished!
Nicholas Sheffo