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Office Space - Special Edition with Flair (1999/Fox Blu-ray)


Picture: B+     Sound: B     Extras: C     Film: B-



Did you file your TPS Report?  Whereas Office Space is widely adored by fans around the world; the film never amazed this reviewer.  Office Space without a doubt is smart, funny, and has a cast of insanely memorable characters; the film, however, does not seem to have the greatest staying power.  Office Space is now a decade old and is beginning to show its age as technology is surpassing the office setting of the film; but what continues to work are people.  The office dynamics portrayed on screen are spot on with mostly any cubicle waste land, with the kiss asses, the indifferent, and the ever watchful and incompetent boss only being a staplers’ throw away.


The film was written and directed by Mike Judge of Beavis and Butthead/King of the Hill fame.  Judge has always prided himself on being a great observer and whereas he is not necessarily the most creative force around, he does an insanely brilliant job at picking apart the fabric and nuances of daily life.  Boiling down Office Space to its bare bones we walk away with one simple message, work sucks!  The film stars Ron Livingston (Band of Brothers) as Peter Gibbons an office worker who gets fed up with his job and it’s over inundation of annoying management.  At first Peter is apathetic toward his job and spends most days staring off into space, but his apathy soon evolves into sheer disgust and he begins skipping work and being blatantly rude (honest) with his management staff.  Peter’s boss, Bill Lumbergh, sets out to get rid of him when two downsizing consultants simply known as “The Bob’s” are brought in; but to Lumbergh’s shock Peter is not viewed as a slacker, but rather an underutilized value to the company.  The story follows Peter and several other fed up co-workers as they set out to steal fractions of cents from the company over a period of years in order to make a mint; but instead find themselves knee deep in trouble when they steal a large sum all at once.


The film is still fun and as any fans can tell you, quoting Office Space has become a favorite past time amongst young males; just like other film favorites like Caddy Shack or Animal House.  To put it simply, there are just some films that we all can connect with and the monotony of daily life that is portrayed in Office Space is spot on in a comedically pleasing manner.  We all have had that boss or that one worker that just gets under our skin, but Mike Judge takes that seeming meaningless observation and turns it into comedy gold.


The picture quality on this new Blu-ray release is not the best, but it is the best this film ahs ever looked.  The visually pleasing 1080p/AVC MPEG-4 1.85 X 1 transfer is a huge upgrade from the several DVD releases of the past and definitely demonstrates some flair with its beautiful colors, warm contrast, solid blacks, and simple yet well done textures.  This is not to say that this Blu-ray will set your HD television ablaze with picture quality (because it is for the most part an intentionally bland film), but it is nice and some time was put into getting the transfer right.  The sound is a DTS HD Lossless Master Audio 5.1 Surround Track (48kHz/24bit) that is not quite as good as the picture, but once again nicer than this film has ever be given before.  The dialogue is crisp and clear throughout, but with the film lacking any true action the surrounds are never fully utilized and only click on for certain music moments and the occasional ambient noise.


The extras are nice, but hold little rewatchability.  Extras include a featurette entitled “Out of the Office: An ‘Office Space’ Retrospective with Mike Judge” (lasting 27 minutes) that does exactly what the title says as Mike Judge and cast members look back at the filming of Office Space as well as some insight from those who made it why the film has reached such a cult status.  Other features include Deleted Scenes that don’t ad much to the film, a Theatrical Trailer, a Picture-in-Picture interactive game that is not very fun, and finally a trivia track that seems very sporadic and quickly put together.


This is the best this film has ever looked and I wouldn’t expect it to be released again anytime soon, so now is the time to slap on your ‘Oh face’ and scoop up some Office Space.



-   Michael P. Dougherty II


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