C Sound: C+ Extras: D Feature: D
another very, very, very lame attempt to jump on the neo-Texas Chain Saw bandwagon, Stephen Durham’s awful Bloodlines (2007) involves another
family of “freaks” and murders who like torture, butchery and may be
cannibalistic, figuratively if not literally.
hack-work is one of the poorest and lamest of all the bad such titles we have
seen lately and also too-easily fits into the cycle of snuff-like junk beginning
with a pregnant woman held hostage to be mutilated and who knows what
else. Ultimately, makers of these
projects are the most self-impressed and least talented. Avoid this one at all costs.
anamorphically enhanced 1.78 X 1 image is badly shot by Director of Photography
Ricardo Jaques Gale and badly edited by David McClellan, who I note so they
take equal responsibility for this 92 minutes of my life lost. This is softer than it should be, but I sort
of expected it after the opening scene.
The Dolby Digital 2.0 sound is not always recorded well, but is barely
competent. Extras include trailers for
this and a few other THINKFilm releases and a bizarre audio commentary by
Durham that is just stunning in its obliviousness.
- Nicholas Sheffo