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Garfield and Friends - Volume One


Picture: C     Sound: C     Extras: D     Episodes: B+



Is it possible that our childhood memories are not quite as great as we like to think?  Or is it just that as time marches on we are not nearly as impressed with the things we once were?  Whatever the case may be, certain memories when rehashed become interesting observations of what your life once was, which was my recent experience upon revisiting Garfield.  When I say Garfield I am not talking about that poor excuse for a live-action film that was released early in 2004, but that seems to be the pivotal point in this recent Garfield craze (or cycle).  Elsewhere on this site I reviewed Garfield as Himself, which is linked here at:




I was truly upset with some of the ways that the live-action version of Garfield completely abandoned the characteristics that made Garfield the cat that he is and was.  Upon watching Garfield and Friends Season One I became more aware of even more liberties that were taken, and to take that even further I went into my comic collection of Garfield books and was suddenly drifting back to my yesteryears.  I became aware once again what the draw was initially to this fat cat.  Garfield hates Mondays, loves lasagna, hates needles, is annoyed by Odie, punches alarm clocks, causes his owner Jon grief, and most of all complains about how tough his life is…who could hate this character? 


Garfield and Friends - Volume One (Season One) began in 1988 and the entire show ran until 1994.  Although this was the first season there were many episodes than ran prior that were TV shorts, which were based off certain comic book segments.  This entire season box set is broken down into three discs, which contain all 24 episodes and each episode follows the typical formula, which is one Garfield segment followed by the U.S. Acres (AKA Garfield’s friends) and then another Garfield segment.


From a technical standpoint these DVD’s are fairly average, but also take into consideration the fact that Garfield never exactly looked like a fantastic production to begin with.  Rather Garfield kept with the basics and essentially just created a live version of the comic without going overboard.  The colors on this DVD are very animated looking with flat hard colors, which tend to bleed, but this is most likely more an artistic flaw than a DVD problem.  Garfield was never meant to be a highly polished series and relies more on the content rather than the quality.  The episodes keep with their original 1.33 X 1 standard TV aspect ratio and the audio is presented in Dolby Digital Mono.  The sound certainly suffers the most as it sounds really compressed and there appears to be a lot of ‘noise’ on the soundtrack as well. 


Garfield once dominated Saturday morning cartoons and now you can enjoy those and cherish them on DVD. While the quality might be a bit lacking, which is partially a DVD problem (especially for sound) and just a general problem with the picture it is fair to say that just having these is well worth it.  If nothing else its better to own this just to cleanse yourself if you had the nerves to try and watch the live action film.



-   Nate Goss


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