Saves Christmas (2015 -
2018/Nickelodeon DVD)/Original
Christmas Specials Collection
(2018 upgrade/Rudolph/Frosty/Universal
Blu-ray Set)/Sgt. Stubby:
An American Hero
(2018/Paramount DVD)/SK8
Dawg (2018/Lionsgate
(2018/Warner Blu-ray w/DVD)
C+/B/C+/C+/B & C+ Sound: C+/B-/C+/C+/B & C+ Extras:
D/B-/C/C-/C Main Programs: C+/B/C+/C-/C+
latest round of child releases includes a few for the holidays....
Saves Christmas
(2015 - 2018) sounds like it could be a stand-alone special based on
the Nickelodeon series, but it is yet another compilation DVD with no
extras that fits the holiday, but feels like it is on auto pilot.
Four episodes add up to about 90 minutes and that is fine for a
themed release, but I just wish it were more.
Original Christmas Specials Collection
is a 2018 upgrade of key TV holiday classics now in the hands of
Universal Pictures, who recently acquired the catalog of many of them
including the original Rudolph
The Red-Nosed Reindeer,
The Snow Man,
Claus Is Coming To Town,
Drummer Boy
and (why is it here?) Cricket
and Hearth.
Though we've reviewed most of these previously and those sets have
had extras as well, including on Blu-ray, this set has new transfers
in some cases and many extras, if not total repeats of the older
releases. Some extras are new too. If you are a fan of these
specials ands especially those who complained about odd color
mastering on the older discs, you'll be happy they got it corrected
here in total and this is now the set to own.
Stubby: An American Hero
(2018) may seem like an odd choice for a CGI Children's title, but
the 84 minutes feature-length CGI film is based on the true story of
a dog who became part of the military in WWI, a subject that is
disturbingly not discussed or portrayed enough, so I was happy with
the content and the way it is made is not bad. It is not stunning or
showy or necessarily cutting-edge, but it is smart, consistent and
respects the intelligence of the young viewer and that is why it is
worth a look. I'll be curious to see how this one gets picked up and
talked about in the years ahead.
(2018) is yet another one of those cynical releases where live action
animals are dubbed by human actors with dialogue and try to be hip.
Joey Lawrence and David Arquette are the few known names involved
here (Arquette is the dog Buddy) and this runs a very loooooong 92
minutes. The dog helps a young boy who is very awkward and plays
like a VERY bad TV movie. Maybe this seemed like a half-decent idea
on paper, but it is eventually obnoxious and it did not have to be
this bad.
we have Warner's new big budget CGI animated theatrical release,
(2018) the title referring to the human (James Corden) who happens
upon a home of Yetis (read the Bigfoot of the arctic, Abominable
Snow-people, or snow equivalent of Bigfoot) and here come the
laughs... or do they. It is a two joke film that does all the same
'funny insecure about myself' humor we've seen too often in these
releases and offers little else new. Channing Tatum, Danny DeVito,
Common, Gina Rodriguez, Zendaya and even LeBron James show up doing
character voices, but it is not very memorable when all is said and
runs 96 minutes and almost quits while it is ahead, but I did not
expect much and that's what I got. Sorry to be a Scrooge, but its
just above average at best.
1080p 1.33 X 1 digital High Definition image transfers on the
Blu-ray set are all in color and look good, but Rudolph
is only marginally improved over the previous Blu-ray release, while
and Santa
Claus Is Coming To Town
are new transfers that are really impressive, so be prepared to be
1080p 2.35 X 1 digital High Definition image transfer on Smallfoot
falls in between the new transfers and older ones on the Christmas
set, being a decent CGI animated production, has limited issues and
is not bad if not top rate as far as such feature-length films
theatrically go The
anamorphically enhanced DVD image is much softer and hard to watch.
same goes for the rest of the anamorphically enhanced 1.78 X 1 image
DVDs, looking good if not great and just fine for the aging format.
and the Christmas
films are all here in DTS-HD MA (Master Audio) 5.1 lossless mixes,
but Smallfoot
was made that way and the old monophonic TV specials are upgraded at
best, but obviously show their age. That makes the new film the
sonic champ on this list and the specials second place, leaving the
lossy Dolby Digital 5.1 mixes
on the DVDs (including Smallfoot) third place and just passable in
this age of lossless audio.
has no extras, but Frosty
and Town
on the Christmas
set have audio commentary tracks, plus we get Frosty
pencil tests and featurettes The
Animagic World Of Rankin/Bass,
The Puppets Of Rudolph,
Rudolph In 4D,
Rudolph and the Reindeer Games
and Rudolph
The Red-Nosed Reindeer Attraction Film
connected to the 4D project. Stubby
has a Stills Gallery and three Making Of featurettes. Dawg
offers a Trailer Gallery and one featurette.
leaves Smallfoot
with Digital HD Copy for PC, PC portable and other cyber iTunes
capable devices, while the discs add a Sing-A-Long mode, Music Videos
and Mini-Movie.
Nicholas Sheffo