Gently: Season 8
(2017/Final Season/Acorn
Blu-ray)/The Great Wall 4K
(2016/Legendary/Universal 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray w/Blu-ray)/Killing
Gunther (2017/Lionsgate
Blu-ray)/Talon Falls
(2017/MVD Visual DVD)/Terminator
2: Judgment Day 4K
(1991/Lionsgate 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray w/Blu-ray)
Ultra HD Picture: B+/B Picture: B/B/B/B-/B Sound:
B/A-/B/B-/B+ Extras: C+/C+/C/C/C+ Main Programs:
Cuts: B+/Theatrical Film Cut: B
following thriller/action/mystery releases, large and small, all have
familiarities about them...
hit BBC Detective drama, George
Gently: Season 8
(2017), elegantly lands on Blu-ray disc courtesy of Acorn and RLJ, in
what will be its final season (you can find most others elsewhere on
this site). Starring Tony Award Nominee Martin Shaw (Death
in Holy Orders,
Professionals CI-5),
the procedural cop drama is cinematically sound and the money is
definitely on the screen here. If you're a fan of murder mysteries
or American shows of the like (such as C.S.I.),
you'll be interested in see how different (and slower moving) the
British approach is to the similar procedural cop show formula.
(Shaw) is the Sherlock Holmes of his time and is heavy in
investigating murders in the North East of England. Set in 1970,
Gently's career is heading towards retirement yet his heart still in
it. Working with a new protege, Gently ends up on an interesting
murder case centered around a politician who could be the future
Prime Minister.
include Gently
and Gently
and the New Age,
each episode is feature length with a total runtime of 186 minutes on
one Blu-ray disc. There are chapter selections within the episodes
as well.
in 1080p high definition with a 1.78:1 widescreen aspect ratio and a
nice sounding DTS-HD MA (Master Audio) 5.1 track, the presentation
here is top notch and leaves little to bark about. Superior to the
original television broadcast undoubtedly, this is the ideal way to
get the full experience.
Features include...
with the Cast and Crew
nicely produced, the show is a bit too long and slow moving to
capture most American audiences but is interesting nonetheless
especially if you're a fan of other BBC shows of the like such as
Zhang's The
Great Wall
(2016) is
a fun if sometimes wildly overdone genre film that tells us that one
of the real reasons China built its landmark Great Wall (the only man
made structure visible from outer space) is because a secret group of
small dinosaur-affiliated monsters that eat and kill people need to
be kept out. Yup, a premise that expects us to suspend disbelief,
but the film is consistent in its fantasy aspirations and it gives it
the best try possible with a ton of money and real talent in front of
and behind the screen.
I continue, I also want to note that this film is sadly the end of
several eras at once that you should be aware of. After making so
many great big budget films, Legendary Pictures proved to be the
biggest big money/big movie production company since Carolco
the Rambo
films, Chaplin,
the new Godzilla,
etc.) ans this was the last big film founder Thomas Tull made before
leaving the company he founded and built, now sold to a Chinese
company. It is also the peak of a movement to have U.S./Chinese
co-productions (partly a product of the Obama Era) and this film is
an interesting hybrid of both. It is also towards the end of such
big budget CGI action fests, now not being made quite as freely as
Damon, in rare form here, plays a man looking for treasure with a
ally (Pedro Pascal, handling the humor well) when they stumble near
the title locale (China was a very closed society then and up until
the 1970s!) where they are suspected of being spies, thieves, or
otherwise and are captured. Then they see the killer creatures,
another secret China is trying to hide until they can at least get
rid of them, but they soon realize the odd duo can fight and can help
them, while a lead soldier (the likable Jing Tian) and Damon's
character start to find a liking to each other.
was some awful nonsense about Damon being in the film being some kind
of 'whitewashing' that was never totally explained, but tends to come
from a deadly dumb, stupid combination of hate, racism, cinematic
illiteracy, ignorance, race baiting and ultra-political extremism
that someone at the studio should have called out such 'critics' on.
In real life, China has had a huge number of very successful epic
action films set decades ago there that accounts for recent
blockbusters there in the last few years (Well Go USA has issued them
consistently on Blu-ray in the U.S. and we have covered many on this
site), so the idea was to have this co-production and get a major
Hollywood action star with talent to lead it and the makers rightly
waited for Damon.
one complained when 'white' Hollywood stars were going to Europe to
make Spaghetti Westerns or Gangster films, no Italians or British or
Spanish people threw a political temper tantrum, so why this now?
The fact that a film this well done and elaborate exists and ticks
off such shallow, spiteful, joyless goofs in itself is some kind of
artistic achievement, though the actual costumes and production
design are awards-worthy and Damon lives up to the challenge of
something that takes him out of his usual big films.
all HD-production that is not bad, Universal has rightly issued this
as one of their 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray w/Blu-ray sets and it is one of
their demo titles now and that says something considering they have
some CGI animated hits (Despicable
plus Atomic
the Bourne
films, E.T.
and Girl
On The Train,
so that says something good. There is a much larger audience for
this one I think sooner or later, especially as the 4K plays so well,
it deserves to find that audience. Willem
Dafoe and a huge cast of great talent you've likely never seen before
but should also star, so there's more reasons to catch up with this
one, even when it gets a little corny or cliched.
2160p HEVC/H.265, HDR (10; Ultra HD Premium)-enhanced 2.35 X 1 Ultra
High Definition image uses multiple HD cameras that go up to 6.5K,
then the final work was a 4K scan, so it looks really good for that,
but there are some blur flaws (partly since this was also conceived
and issued in 3D), so that holds it back a bit, as does too much CGI,
though it still performs with more stability than the still-decent
1080p Blu-ray digital High Definition image with a little more blur,
a little less color range and a little less detail and depth.
film was released theatrically in multiple formats including the
Dolby Atmos 11.1 (with Dolby TrueHD 7.1) lossless included on both
discs here, plus Auro 11.1, DTS: X 11.1, IMAX 11.1 and Sonix DDP, so
it is intended to deliver epic sound and it does enough to even rival
the excellence of Terminator
(see below), but we've encountered plenty of forgettable and
underwhelming 12-track films theatrically and on home video, so it
uses those extra tracks to its advantage and is the biggest highlight
here. That sound is on the 4K and regular Blu-ray.
include Digital HD Ultraviolet Copy for PC, PC portable and other
cyber iTunes capable devices, while the Blu-ray adds an excellent
look Behind The Scenes on the Making Of the film and how much effort,
time and truly hard work went into it all, while we also get a few
Deleted & Extended Scenes. Wonder if this might become some kind
of cult film in the future. We'll see.
(2017) is
a mockumentary/action comedy that stars Arnold Schwarzenegger (the
first of two of his films here) himself and is shot in comedic found
footage style. The story is simple: a group of young and deliriously
eccentric assassins hold a documentary film crew hostage and force
them to capture their quest to kill an un-killable hitman named
Gunther (Schwarzenegger) on camera. The idea is that they will
finally become rich and famous once they kill this noble competition.
The only problem is that Gunther is always one step a head of his
killers. He even has gone as far as making a movie of his own only
from his perspective. The end result is a kill or be killed action
bonanza that's aided by hit and miss slapstick humor.
film also stars Cobie Smulders, Taran Killam, Kumail Nanjiani,
Randall Park, and Bobby Moynihan. The film is also directed by Taran
Killam. The film has a few funny moments but all in all feels pretty
convoluted with a lot of improv-style humor. Most of which feels a
bit forced and silly. The film is also heavily edited which kind of
works against the whole 'found footage' angle... but it's a comedy so
in 1080p high definition with a widescreen aspect ratio of 1.85:1 and
a DTS-HD MA (Master Audio) 5.1 lossless track, the film looks and
sounds up to par with the Blu-ray format now, though not up to
Schwarzenegger's best films. Most of the film is handheld or
documentary-style with a little bit of motion blur here and there
during some of the heavier action sequences. The colors are clean,
however, and the characters rich with detail. The score is a bit
silly with some exciting bits but an overall jazzy and fun theme.
digital UV copy of the film is also included.
is like a SNL skit that goes on for a feature length runtime. At
first it's kind of amusing but after a while it starts to become more
of a chore to watch than anything. Arnold looks like he's having
some fun here but ultimately it feels 'direct to video.'
all ya want... nobody believes it's real!
off a real scream park attraction in Kentucky, the idea here is that
the characters in the haunted house are real victims or members of
the twisted family. The film is inspired by horror flicks such as
Rob Zombie's House
of a Thousand Corpses,
plus the Saw
and Texas
Chainsaw Massacre
franchises appropriately.
(2017) is a horror indie that centers around a group of teens on a
road trip who go to a haunted house, only to be kidnapped and
tortured in the process. While tightly edited and having decent
production design, the film is a bit too similar to the others
mentioned to stand out but that doesn't mean it doesn't have some fun
moments and characters along the way.
film stars Brad Bell, Fred Biggs, Lonnie Bloomberg, and is written
and directed by Joshua Shreve.
is presented on standard definition DVD with an anamorphically
enhanced widescreen
aspect ratio of 2.35:1 and a lossy Dolby Digital 5.1 surround mix,
the film looks and sounds as good as it can on DVD.
Features include a Behind the Scenes featurette and the Theatrical
the formula here isn't exactly new, there's some fun moments in Talon
that make it worth a watch and will make horror fans intrigued to
visit the actual attraction.
but certainly not least is James Cameron's Terminator
2: Judgment Day 4K
(1991, which we shall now refer to as 'T2'
for the rest of this review) back
on Blu-ray yet again. We've reviewed the two major U.S. versions,
the last of which was known as the Skynet Edition and to find out
about the film, our thoughts on it and how those discs performed,
plus the technical history of the film in how it was filmed, its
digital sound history and home video life, start with this link and
work your way backwards...
in early Fall 2017, James Cameron remastered the film and had it
issued for a brief time in a new 3D version that looked good and
noticeably had better color range, while it was the first time many
had heard the film in digital sound theatrically because the CDS
Cinema Digital Sound system it debuted in its some of its best 1991
theatrical screenings was a system that did not work out (even with
Kodak a co-creator and backer of the 16-bit sound system) and that
left it to those with better home theater systems to appreciate how
ahead of its time the sound design really was. It still impresses,
but more on that in a moment.
Lionsgate has not announced a 3D Blu-ray version, they have (after a
delay) a
4K Ultra HD Blu-ray w/Blu-ray set that debuted overseas first with
mixed reactions and it looks like we got the same version with no
corrections. So what gives? We have to go back to a Cameron film
from 1986, Aliens,
to explain.
films are shot on Kodak 35mm negative film, but both offer limits in
the stocks used. Aliens used two stocks the company was about to
discontinue because getting it was cheap and it could reproduce good
color, detail and depth, but it was also grainer than he liked and it
was discovered later that both stocks had fading issues. The
remaster got rid of the grain, which was criticized somewhat, but I
did not think it was too bad. Earlier versions had some motion blur
from their transfers, but my actual complaint was some scenes that
were supposed to be dark were a bit brighter than they were or should
be. More on that when we deal with the film in its inevitable 4K
edition. That film was also shot 1.85 X 1.
he intended 70mm blow-up prints for his next films as he did on
Cameron switched to the Super 35mm format for scope presentations at
2.35 X 1, skipping the anamorphic lenses to get higher quality images
that use the whole 35mm frame, plus he had to do Super 35 for the
groundbreaking digital visual effects he would deliver on The
and T2,
or those squeeze lenses would have ruined their definition. Also by
this time, Kodak had moved onto their EXR 35mm color film negative
stocks, better than what he had for Aliens,
but two of them inevitably turned out to have had stability issues
and even color limits for the faster ASA/ISO light sensitive speed
stocks, so restoration would be needed anyhow.
aside, the whole 35mm negative was rescanned at 4K and color graded
all over again, but the one thing no one seems to have noticed is
that the blue color sheen that was in part of the first Terminator
and continued on Aliens
and The
is missing here somewhat, replaced by a better color range, yet is it
at a price? We get three versions of the film, including two
different extended versions, but only the shorter Theatrical Version
is in 4K, in part because the longer footage (unlike Aliens)
is simply not in the condition to get a 4K upgrade and you can see
that in all versions of that footage in previous releases. Also,
some grain has been removed here too, but unlike doing that to a new
Super 35 for scope film (think Suicide
using the newest Kodak Vision 3 color negative stocks), T2
is an older films using stocks from the same company, but three
generations ago. This brings up one side issue to cover briefly.
35 is a variant of SuperScope 2.35 invented by billionaire Howard
Hughes in the 1950s when he owned RKO Studios because he was so rich,
cheap and technically inclined, he refused to pay Fox and Bausch &
Lomb for CinemaScope (which had its own flaws anyhow), so he came up
with his own format and it was eventually 2.35 X 1 like CinemaScope.
When there were not enough anamorphic lenses (the kind that replaced
CinemaScope) in Italy, Technicolor Italy invented the even more
efficient Techniscope and all involve a tinier frame using only
2-perforation versus the 4 perforations of full 35mm. It also means
more grain and was an issue with all these optically printed (we
won't say cheating) scope formats until Kodak's Vision series
the issues of some of the film stocks on T2 and you can see the
temptation to get rid of more grain than maybe one should. Plus, I
like the grain and how it looks in the older versions, but the older
bluish transfers up to the Skynet
Blu-ray have a little too much motion blur and none of them captured
the film at its best on a giant 70mm-sized screen like I saw it
towards the end of its huge run. The result is the new version has
issues with its improvements and for me, that means tradeoffs.
2160p HEVC/H.265, HDR (10; Ultra HD Premium)-enhanced 2.35 X 1 Ultra
High Definition image has some shots where the color is not what I
even saw in the 3D theatrical screening and the waxy look in some
shots and of some scenes (is the nude arrival of the Arnold
Terminator purposely waxy to somehow censor or hold back his nudity?)
and we might get blue too much where we don't need it in 4K. The
1080p digital High Definition image does not have some of these flaws
and hides others, but could some issues simply come from the 3D being
turned into 2D wrong in some places?
you get those flaws, but you get some better color, clarity and a
little less blur, so that's what you face between the new and older
versions. Why the issues, I don't know, but we have already seen
some older similar films (like the awful new 4K scan of The
Good, the Bad & The Ugly
in regular ruining its color or older U.K. The
Ipcress File with
too much grain removal, both Techniscope films; this issue will
continue on Blu-ray and 4K for these kinds of films until it is
widely addressed) going too far about filtering or otherwise removing
grain when it is part of the image meant by the Director of
Photography, though Cameron notes the DP of this film Adam Greenberg,
A.S.C., personally color timed this, so liberties must have been
taken after that.
get more answers later, but I can say the 4K has some moments of
improvement over the regular Blu-ray, yet is not the home run it
should have been and (sorry James Cameron) is not
than the 70mm blow-up version or excellent 35mm prints of the film in
original release. Add my disappointment with the regular Blu-ray of
the 1976 classic The
Man Who Fell To Earth
and legitimate complaints on the 4K version of Lincoln
which I still liked, both from Lionsgate, and there's definitely some
in house mastering issue going on there. We'll see what happens on
that front next, though we've seen plenty of fine Lionsgate 4K
releases like Conan
The Barbarian
(2011), Deepwater
the 3:10
To Yuma
remake and the first John
so they've issued plenty of winners in the format.
for sound, the case lists some kind of German DTS-HD MA (Master
Audio) 7.1 lossless mix that simply does not exist, but instead of
the DTS 6.1 ES or other lossless DTS mixes we've encountered on the
previous T2
Blu-rays, we get a DTS-HD MA (Master Audio) 5.1 lossless mix that
takes the original soundmaster and remasters it so we get a more
naturalistic soundfield and suddenly, details I have never heard in
the many versions (a few 12-inch analog LaserDiscs, the last few
Blu-rays, all my theatrical screenings) of the film I've sat through
over the years, even when I presented them as demo material. Though
he skipped going for a 12-track presentation here, this all sounds
really good and will surprise many.
may not be as extensive as one would like and does not include the
plethora of extras we've seen in many editions of the film over the
years, but we do get Digital HD Ultraviolet Copy for PC, PC portable
and other cyber iTunes capable devices, while the Blu-ray adds two
Deleted Scenes with Audio Commentary, two vintage feature length
audio commentary tracks, half-hour Making
Of T2
featurette, nearly hour-long T2:
Reprogramming The Terminator
documentary with a bunch of interviews and several Trailers.
the flaws and limits, the new T2
set is with it for the sound, new parts of the extras and what does
work in the new visuals of the transfers. Hardcore fans will likely
want to hold onto their older editions, but I liked enough of the
changes and less motion blur, so I'll side with a passable
recommendation of the set.
Nicholas Sheffo (4Ks) & James