To Fresno (2015/FilmRise/MVD Visual DVD)
B Sound: C+ Extras: C Film: B+
(Natasha Lyonne) and Shannon (Judy Greer) are two sisters/maids
living in Fresno, California. Martha is trying to help her sister,
who is a sex addict to get back on her feet, but Shannon just can't
keep her panties on and keeps screwing anyone she can, until she
accidentally kills a local pimp. Now, she and Martha have to find a
way to get rid of the body ...and it seems to Shannon the answer is
screw enough people and you can get away with anything in Jamie
Babbit's Addicted To Fresno (2015).
is a sex addict, she constantly uses sex to get anything and get out
of trouble, even screw her doctor to get out of rehab. Her sister
Martha, trying to help her, gets her a job at the hotel she works at,
but when Shannon accidentally kills a pimp (while screwing him, of
course) at the hotel, Martha goes to great lengths to help her get
rid of the body. Things go from bad to worst, they go from robbing a
sex shop to robbing a Bar Mitzvah to them being blackmailed for them
to pay for cremating the body. All the meanwhile, between everything
Shannon is screwing everyone (and anyone) she can... only until the
end Martha realizes the only TRUE way to help her is NOT helping her.
Will Shannon ever finally learn to take responsibility and stop
running from her mistakes and to not use sex as an excuse?
was a comedy involving a LOT of sex where and the joke of the entire
film is about using sex to get out of your troubles (only to bring
more trouble). It is the story about two (dysfunctional) sisters in
where the audience can relate and make fun of the strained
relationships between family members, like covering for someone or
always fixing another's problems. In the end, it is about how family
is always there, through the good ...and bad (OK, mostly the bad).
Molly Shannon, Fred Armisen, Aubrey Plaza, Ron Livingston and Malcolm
Barrett also star in this film I found funny, but some might have
issues with.
anamorphically enhanced image looks as good as it can on DVD, but
lossy Dolby Digital sound is not always as strong. Extras only
include deleted scenes and a trailer.
Ricky Chiang