Specialized Mobile Animal Rescue Team
(2016/Cinema Libre DVD)
C Sound: C Extras: C Documentary: B+
hear about paramedics, EMTs, firemen and police, but then there are
those who specialize in animal rescues. From cats in the trees to
horses in trouble to mountain lions in the wild, SMART is an animal
rescue team that has dedicated themselves all kinds of animals under
and over any conditions. Justin Zimmerman's SMART:
Specialized Mobile Animal Rescue Team
(2016) tells us more about this story.
mankind takes up more space, animals tame or wild find themselves
more and more in trouble when they get caught up in civilization. A
group of animal lovers in Los Angeles have trained themselves to help
save animals under extreme conditions. When most rescue teams give
up, animals will end up dead, SMART uses modern rescue techniques and
technologies to find a way to save them. At the risk of their own
lives or even no pay, team SMART has saved countless animals and
while some call them fools for wasting time and money on animals,
others would call them heroes.
film was more of the testaments from the members of SMART and how
they came and formed to be. A lot of the film was old footage from
local news coverage and interviews with the current members and
owners of the animals.
anamorphicAlly enhanced 1.78 X 1 image (with its rough, shaky and
sometimes blurred video) and lossy Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo sound
(with expected location audio issues) can be limited in fidelity, but
that's the way these situations are captured. Extras includes The
Rescued and their Rescuers
montage and trailers.
Ricky Chiang