+ 2: The Original Queens Of Comedy
(1966 - 1972/Star Vista/Time Life DVD)/Joy
(2015/Fox 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray w/Blu-ray)/Susan
Slept Here
(1954/RKO/Warner Archive Blu-ray)
Ultra HD Picture: B+ Picture: C+/B/B Sound: C+/B/B-
Extras: C+/C/C- Main Programs: B/C/C+
The Susan
Slept Here
Blu-ray is now only available from Warner Bros. through their Warner
Archive series and can be ordered from the link below.
in control and moving forward always makes for interesting
storytelling, drama, comedy and allows us to see our world in new,
necessary ways. These releases from several different periods
becomes time capsules and markers of progress, as well as making us
think where we're all going next.
+ 2: The Original Queens Of Comedy
(1966 - 1972) is a single disc release DVD versus the sets we have
been covering, but you'll see in a moment why this got its own
release. First we get the Carol
+ 2
program from 3/22/66 with Lucille Ball and Zero Mostel, a terrific,
underseen, remarkable special in color that has all kinds of laughs,
charm, chemistry, energy and is a highly underseen gem way overdue
for release. Then Carol and a huge cast did a taping of her 1959
stage triumph Once
Upon A Mattress,
where she became a big star on Broadway in her debut show and even
earned a Tony nomination. In color from 1972, Ken Berry, Bernadette
Peters, Jack Gilford, Wally Cox and Jane White pull off a solid
version of the work for posterity and it is a real TV event as well.
it is Ball and Burnett that stick with you as one queen of comedy
(and queen of the CBS Network) joining another early on before CBS
knew who and what they had with Burnett, who only got her later hit
show because she took up a clause in her contract with the network.
Amazing they did not see how great she was inarguably then, but Carol
& Lucy made a great team and would team up a few more times on
each other's shows.
one extra is an interview featurette where Burnett discusses the
origins of her 'Charwoman' character.
O. Russell's Joy
(2015) is a very mixed bag that tries to avoid being a formula film,
a biopic and focus too much on the invention at hand, but as is the
case when he tries too hard with comedy (parts of Silver
Linings Playbook,
With Disaster,
a few parts of I
'Heart' Huckabees),
things backfire quickly. It also shows the odd ways he tries to
handle a woman's story and/or point of view, but always with odd,
mixed results. Jennifer Lawrence is Joy Manango, whose juggling a
dysfunctional family (and then some) with an unhappy life, but was
one to always try to create something new and different.
unlikely escape through an invention comes in the form of a mop that
makes life a bit easier, though it keeps getting rejected (like so
many other things and people in the film) until she gets a break, but
Russell takes a post-modern approach (telling the story in bits,
pieces, sections and they don't always cohere) and this lands up
being at the expense of a stronger narrative. This leaves a great
cast that includes Robert De Niro, Bradley Cooper. Diane Ladd,
Virginia Madsen, Isabella Rosselini, Susan Lucci, Donna Mills, Ken
Howard (nothing like TV icons to make some odd TV connections) and
Edgar Ramirez to try and compensate.
the result is a very mixed failure with a bunch of missed
opportunities. Maybe Russell thought this was a time to experiment,
but I think not. It is worth pushing through to see all these star
names and get the few chuckles the film offers, but otherwise, the
film is far from a 'joy' to watch and you finish still wondering
where the complete story was.
include Digital HD Ultraviolet Copy for PC, PC portable and other
cyber iTunes capable devices, while the rest of the
extras are on the regular Blu-ray disc only and include a Stills
Gallery, interview featurette with Russell, Lawrence & Maureen
Dowd and the Behind The Scenes/Making Of featurette
Strength & Perseverance.
Tashlin's Susan
Slept Here
(1954) has the former comedy animation genius and clever live-action
comedy whiz pulling back his lunacy slightly in a tale of a Hollywood
scriptwriter (Dick Powell) trying to write more than just comedies
(often joked, even by the Academy Award he received, who narrates
parts of the film!) and has a demanding, if sexy girlfriend (Anne
Francis at her humorously egotistical best) he may marry, but he also
needs new material for his next script. This is delivered in the
guise of an underaged gal (Debbie Reynolds) who is in a halfway house
with nowhere to go. Some 'friends' dump her on him and he is not
amused, but gets stuck with her just the same, though she'd rather
run away.
follows is a plot with some idiot elements, too many jokes on the
indecency of this young lady in a grown adults' home (including the
illegality of it at the time, then and now) and all the havoc it
causes. A definite product of its time, happening around Christmas,
Tashlin takes a few mild swipes at MGM musicals the likes of Reynolds
appeared in and contains a few dream and music fantasy sequences of
its own.
98 minutes, it starts wearing thin at the halfway point, but
supporting performances by Glenda Farrell, Herb Vigran, Maidie
Norman, Alvy Moore, Les Tremayne and more help and the money is on
the screen in lush production design, costumes and color. This is
also a very rare RKO film that was in color and was widescreen, so it
is a one-of-a-kind film worth your time.
original theatrical trailer is the only extra.
1.33 X 1 transfer on Carol
is all shot on professional NTSC analog color videotape of the time
and can show the age of the materials used, with some video
noise, video banding and cross color. However, all the video has
been restored as well as possible as has been the case with all the
entries we've covered to date and is about as good as it will all
ever look.
2160p 1.85 X 1 HEVC/H.265, HDR (10; Ultra HD Premium)-enhanced Ultra
High Definition image on Joy
is a mixed bag at times, but it was all shot in 35mm film and looks
really impressive when the image is not being made to look like old
video or goes for singular color. Thus, one has to get used to the
wide range of higher and lower quality images when watching the
format. Artistic choices or not, this approach holds back
performance overall, but it still looks better than the still-solid
1080p 1.85 X 1 digital High Definition standard Blu-ray image of the
Blu-ray disc also included in the set.
1080p 1.66 X 1 digital High Definition image transfer on Susan
can sometimes show the age of the materials used, including a few
shots of faded color and second-generation shots (though they often
happen in scene transitions, still common at the time), but the
remarkable work done here is a strong representation
of a 35mm dye-transfer, three-strip Technicolor print of the film.
Tashlin loved color and knew how to use it. Director of Photography
Nicholas Musuraca (Cat
(1942), Out
Of The Past,
By Night,
Whip Hand,
proves that he is as capable if handling color as he was with his
expertise in black and white. This looks really good, especially at
its best which is often and will impress those not used to superior
color reproduction.
for sound, the lossy Dolby Digital 2.0 Mono in Carol
is just fine for its age, restored from the best audio available and
as cleaned up as possible. The DTS-HD MA (Master Audio) 5.1 lossless
mix on Joy
is well mixed and
presented for a dialogue and joke-based film, using the multi-channel
format for nuance when not fully engaging all tracks and is the same
sound on both Blu-ray formats. The DTS-HD MA (Master Audio) 2.0 Mono
lossless mix on Susan
also can
show its age at times, but I was surprised how clean and clear this
was, falling well between the other two releases sonically.
order the Susan
Slept Here
Warner Archive Blu-ray, go to this link for it and many more great
web-exclusive releases at:
Nicholas Sheffo