(1929/United Artists/Samuel Goldwyn Company) w/Calling
Bulldog Drummond (1951/MGM/Warner
Archive Double
Eyes Of Su Muru
(1967) w/The
Girl From Rio
(1969 aka Rio
Shirley Eaton Double Feature
(Blue Underground Blu-ray)/Night
Of The Living Dead
(1990/21st Century Pictures/Columbia/Sony/Umbrella Region Free Import
(1953/MGM/Warner Archive DVD)/Sunchaser
(1996/Regency/Fox DVD)/Support
Your Local Sheriff/Support Your Local Gunfighter
(1969, 1971/United Artists/MGM)/Thunderbolt
& Lightfoot: Encore Edition
(1974/United Artists/MGM/Twilight Time Limited Edition Blu-rays)
C/C+/B/B/B-/C/C+/B/B/B+ Sound: C/C+/C+/B-/B/C/C+/B-/B-/B
Extras: C-/C-/B-/C-/D/B/B Films: C+/Thunderbolt:
The Night
Of The Living Dead
Import Blu-ray is now only available from our friends at Umbrella
Entertainment in Australia and can play on all Blu-ray players
worldwide, the Support
double feature and reissue of Thunderbolt
& Lightfoot
are only available from our friends at Twilight Time, are both
limited to only 3,000 copies and can be ordered while supplies last,
while the Bulldog
and Ride
DVDs are now only available from Warner Bros. through their Warner
Archive series. All can be ordered from the links below.
you like action and genre films, here's a new group of releases you
really need to know about...
with Leslie Charteris' The Saint, Sappers' Bulldog Drummond was a
forerunner of James Bond and many attempts to make a movie series
were attempted. None worked out like Bond or even to the level of
The Saint over at RKO, but Warner Archive has issued a double feature
of two attempts. First we have
F. Richard Jones' Bulldog
(1929) that United Artists distributed for The Samuel Goldwyn Company
decades before MGM owned both companies. The caper about a fake
hospital and a newspaper ad with Ronald Coleman really good here as
the younger 'old school boy' of the British club set who just loves
getting into trouble and taking on dangerous goofs when necessary.
The film may be a bit stagey and not as good as some other detective
films of the time (like Basil Rathbone as Philo Vance, also on DVD
from Warner Archive, elsewhere on this site), but Gregg Toland was
one of its two cameramen, William Cameron Menzies did the settings,
Goldwyn himself supervised and the rest of the cast is up to the
occasion. A fun film.
Saville's Calling
Bulldog Drummond (1951)
was a failed revival by MGM itself with Walter Pigeon better in the
role than expected, but the film tries more to be a Thin
film with its idea of wit and that backfires, yet it is still very
British with Margaret Leighton having the female lead as Drummond
comes out of retirement (?!?) to help Scotland Yard. We're supposed
to believe Pigeon is that old and this is the 1920s Drummond, but
that never convinces. We get some action starting with an
interesting heist and gambling club covering up the robbery, so at
least it was ambitious. I just liked the earlier film a bit more.
You should see both for yourself to decide, but they are not bad.
After two late 1960s attempts to make Drummond into James Bond on the
Big screen, Drummond retired from the big screen for good.
trailer for the 1951 film is sadly the only extra.
we have a Shirley
Eaton Double Feature
from the great Blue Underground label on Blu-ray with two of her last
films: Lindsay Shonteff's Million
Eyes Of Su Muru
(1967) and Jess
Franco's The
Girl From Rio
(1969 aka Rio
that also want to appeal to the idea of book action becoming big
screen action. Sax Rohmer had created the villainous Fu Manchu
character and the supervillian made a comeback at this time thanks to
the late, great Christopher Lee, so the underrated genre producer
Harry Alan Townes though a female version could have some appeal and
box office. He hired Shirley Eaton, best known as the 'golden girl'
from Guy Hamilton's James Bond blockbuster Goldfinger
(1964, reviewed elsewhere on this site) producing both films on this
Blu-ray. Eaton plays two very similar characters with two different
names here.
both are from Rohmer books, so they belong together. In Eyes,
Su Muru is a sadistic terrorist out to kill anyone who stands in the
way of her power or crosses her, including the command of the loyalty
of a female army, any of those women who defect must die and only
Frankie Avalon can stop them! No kidding, he co-stars with George
Nader as the spy out to stop her, Wilfred Hyde-White, Maria Rohm and
another unique turn from Klaus Kinski make this a hoot of an action
film in the spy mode worth seeing just on its own.
goes further in the sexuality department (Miss Eaton was not happy)
with Richard Wyler in the lead and George Sanders as a well-to-do up
to no good. This one also plays as more science fiction as director
Franco indulges himself as the fighting for human control plays out
in Brazil, a location used very well here. Eaton's character is
called Sumitra this time (she was in a Fu Manchu film by this time
with Lee) and it is as amusing, but does not seem as old as the first
film and is certainly not worried about censorship as much. However,
it was too repetitive for Eaton and she retired after this film.
Still, they are both fun films to see and are recommended.
gets most of the extras with the Rolling
In Rio
interviews with Franco, Townes and Eaton, Eyes
has its Original Theatrical Trailer and both get Poster & Still
Savini's remake of Night
Of The Living Dead
(1990) is back on Blu-ray, but this time as a Region Free Import from
Umbrella that we first reviewed as a controversial, instantly
out-of-print U.S. Limited Edition Blu-ray from Twilight Time at this
to it rarely being in print, plus the huge fanbase of
visual-effects-make-up-innovator-turned-actor Savini directing a
remake of the classic he did key sequels for, the disc has held its
high value despite a controversy about its picture quality. Some
critics and fans noted it was too darkly transferred, you could not
see some detail and color was even off, as discussed in our last
review of it. Usually we save this talk for the tech section at the
bottom, but we need to talk about that and more, so we'll do it here.
himself was reportedly perplexed by the critique, saying it was fine,
yet the included (if flawed) original trailer showed something was
amiss. What happened? Something not unlike what recently occurred
with Brian De Palma's The
(1978) also issued in a far more celebrated Twilight Time limited
edition Blu-ray (reviewed elsewhere on this site) that looked fine
and had lite grain, but was dark, creepy and accurate. Then a new
transfer arrived in the U.K. (we never got it) that was supposed to
be better, but with less grain and maybe better.
how can this be? We now have an answer. It has to do with two means
of doing the transfer of film from 35mm to the digital HD realm. We
guide you to the middle of this page from the great film lab Spectra
as they show how their advanced telecine machine is still superior to
some (if not all) newer digital scanners, comparing the same film
clip of a dancer by Christian Schneider to make a point...
Millennium II digital scanning machine may retain a little more
shadow detail, light range and grain, but the Spirit Data Telecine
with better lenses gives a more solid picture with less grain. The
is an advanced situation analogous to the two. It becomes a matter
of preference in the 1080p world. So what of this Dead
remake? The darker Twilight Time version is a digital scan where the
operator got anti-grain crazy and overdid that, then made the film
one to two f-stops darker than it was shot, creating the
controversial HD master that caused the controversy. So what about
the new Umbrella Blu-ray?
is a telecine transfer that has more image in the lower and left hand
sides of the frame, grain is back, proper lighting is back and color
is accurate again, is fans who didn't like and/or get the sold out
Twilight Time Blu-ray will LOVE this edition. However, the print
also has some more visible flaws and is lite in some places, with its
opening credits in color while the older Blu-ray's are in black &
white for some reason, making the differences between the releases
more of a problem than The
and needed improvements more obvious. The solution in both cases?
Full restored print materials, but with new 4K transfers which would
mean 4K Blu-ray releases as both thrillers obviously have too much
visual information for 1080p alone. It'll take 2160p to really do
justice to both films among many others, but I lean towards this new
Umbrella Blu-ray as the more accurate of the two. Especially for
fans who missed the Twilight Time Blu-ray, its the one to watch.
repeats a
vintage feature length audio commentary track (with too many
spoilers) by Savini, but looses the Isolated Music Score Track of
some good work by composer Paul McCollough. However, we get a
reversible sleeve with two covers to choose from and five vintage
featurettes that include a general Behind
The Scenes piece, plus The
Dead Walk
and separate interview pieces with Savini, another with Patricia
Tallman and Return
To The Living Dead
with the make-up creators John Vulich & Everett Burrell.
Farrow's Ride
(1953) would have played as just another old Western, but MGM decided
to do two thing that set it apart from the usual productions of the
time. One, they cast Anthony Quinn in the supporting role of a
longtime dangerous criminal that was such a showcase for his work, he
seems like he is from a Western 10 to 15 years later, stealing
practically all of his scenes from Robert Taylor (who plays his
enforcer at first), Howard Keel and even Ava Gardner. Second, it was
yet another showcase for their new lab exclusively using 35mm Ansco
Color movie film that had a look and feel of its own, something we
recently looked more thoroughly at by combining an independent Ansco
Color production with two from MGM around the same time (also on
Warner Archive DVD) at this link...
is as much a melodrama as any of them, but the color looks great (see
more below) and an already unusual film is made all the more
interesting and unpredictable by Quinn, who goes all out to be a
dirty so and so. We get a love triangle and then some as well,
making this one very interesting Western down to its personal and
even general politics. Definitely catch it.
trailer is unfortunately the only extra.
we have two Michael Cimino films, his most recent (20 years ago!?!)
and his first film. The little-seen Sunchaser
(1996) with Woody Harrelson in one of his most underrated
performances as a well-off medical doctor who has a good life, but
all that is challenged when one of his very sick patients, a very
street-wise criminal, kidnaps him! If the film had been even a
moderate hit, Jon Seda would have been lauded for his breakthrough
work as the young, angry man with Native American origins who takes
the hostage so he never has to go back to prison.
Bros. was originally supposed to issue the film, but a regime change
had them dumping it at the lats minute, so it has bounced
undiscovered for the last few decades. Now, Regency Picture's most
underrated production has been picked up by Fox for this DVD reissue
and though Cimino did not write the film and only had limited
control, it becomes an amusing road movie (down to Anne Bancroft's
appearance) with serious undertones that will remind you of Cimino's
past success with The
Deer Hunter
(1978) and underrated work in the controversial Heaven's
(1980) and remake of The
Desperate Hours
is one of the most important filmmakers of our time and all time who
never sold out, but bad luck and some targetting for political
reasons (Year
Of The Dragon
(1986, reviewed elsewhere on this site) included) threw off his
career permanently and some critics just had their knives out for
him. Now more than ever, the work holds up, has appreciated well and
even with my mixed feelings about The
(1987), he has never made a bad movie and I can say that about very
few filmmakers. The
is a film definitely worth a look, even if it has some limits.
are sadly no extras whatsoever.
little while ago, Cimino's Thunderbolt
& Lightfoot
(1974) was issued as one of Twilight Time's limited edition Blu-ray
releases, but the ever-underrated film also sold out instantly. In
this case, Twilight Time has brought it back in one of their rare
Blu-ray releases. We reviewed the first Blu-ray at this link...
all the reissues, this is the first time you get exactly the same
disc content, with only the cover of the case being new. That's
good, because its a great film in a great special edition that holds
up strongly and here's your chance to get it again while supplies
last. Highly recommended!
Kennedy's Support
Your Local Sheriff
(1969) and Support
Your Local Gunfighter
(1971) continued the move towards more comedies about the West on the
small and big screen, serving a bit as forerunners of Mel Brooks'
Blazing Saddles (1972) if not that bold and wild. By casting James
Gardner, one of the only starts of the time to be a big and small
screen TV star at the same time, the films take one step after the
humorous success of his TV hit Maverick
and get wackier still, mocking the conventions and especially-by-then
formula of the whole genre with a wink and a nod. This is all fine
without being condescending and obnoxious (like the later 1990s
feature film would be) and is aimed at fans.
Morgan and Jack Elam show up in both films, Joan Hackett has the
female lead in the first film, Suzanne Pleshette in the second.
Walter Brennan also shows up in the first, while Joan Blondell, John
Dehner and Marie Windsor try to keep the second film exciting. These
have not been seen often in recent years, so there are more than
enough people who will likely enjoy them, especially with the new
cycle of Westerns, even if most aren't that good. They are not bad
if your not a fan of the genre and have their moments.
include another nicely illustrated booklet on the film including
informative text and another excellent, underrated essay by the great
film scholar Julie Kirgo, while the Blu-ray disc adds a remarkably
informed feature length audio commentary track on Sheriff
by film historians & scholars Lee Pfeiffer & Paul Scrabo,
Isolated Music Scores on both films and Original Theatrical
on both films.
1.33 X 1 black and white image on the two Drummond
films are well-shot, but the 1929 film shows its age and could use
some work, while the 1951 film has the benefit for being newer and
features a nice copy used here. However, I liked some of the style
visually of the older film more.
films come in two 1080p
digital High Definition image aspect ratios: Eyes
in 2.35 X 1 shot in Techniscope and Rio
in 1.66 X 1, both very well restored and looking really good, even
with some demo shots here and there. Eyes
was originally issued in dye-transfer,
three-strip Technicolor and you can see that quality often here,
though it will also remind you of the Austin Powers films and is very
much a product of the 1960s. The makers switched to faster color
film stocks and Rio
looks a little more detailed, with some more depth, while still
retaining some really good color of its own. Worthy of the Blu-ray
of Eaton's Bond film Goldfinger,
this is impressive work all around.
the actual text of the Living
review for its picture quality, so moving on to the Ride
DVD, the 1.33 X 1 Ansco Color image has some good color, but the
print has inconsistent color and some damage. However, when it looks
good, it is as impressive as the other DVDs with Ansco Color
discussed above, but is the earliest of the Ansco films on DVD we've
covered and was actually issued in dye-transfer,
three-strip Technicolor 35mm prints.
That was the case in a few Ansco Color/Anscochrome productions of
the time, but Ansco/GAF and MGM eventually made their own prints.
The print used here can also be soft at some points, sharp at others,
but has rare and superior color at its best you won't see hardly
anywhere else.
anamorphically enhanced 2.35 X 1 image on Sunchaser
uses the scope frame very, very well and seems to repeat an earlier,
out of print DVD, but this was not issued widescreen at first, so
nice to retain that. The great Director of Photography Douglas
Milsome, B.S.C., shot this in real 35mm anamorphic Panavision and it
really deserves a Blu-ray and 4K Blu-ray at some point. That's the
format Thunderbolt
was shot in and it is the best-looking Blu-ray and title on this
competitive list; the same great transfer as the last limited
leaves the two 1080p 1.85 X 1 digital High Definition image transfers
on the two Support
films that can in small bits show the age of the materials used, they
look really good as well and fans will not be disappointed here
lossy Dolby Digital 2.0 Mono on the Drummond
films are going to show their age and be a bit weak, but the 1929
film is a bit more brittle and I hope it gets some work done on its
like the image. The same sound on Ride
falls somewhere between the quality of those films, but is a little
rougher than not. The lossy Dolby Digital 5.1 on Sunchaser
shows how well-recorded the film was, making wish this was lossless,
but it is the best-sounding DVD here and can compete with the DTS-HD
MA (Master Audio) 1.0 Mono lossless mixes on the first Support
film and Eyes,
but the same kind of sound on the second Support
film, Rio
and Thunderbolt
actually sound better thanks to warm, lossless presentations that
leaves the DTS-HD MA (Master Audio) 5.1 lossless mix on Living
the only other multi-channel presentation here besides Sunchaser,
but it was not originally so and the playback shows the limits of the
recording at the time. This mix is still equal to the out-of-print
Twilight Time
order the Support
double feature and reissue
of Thunderbolt & Lightfoot
limited edition Blu-rays, buy them while supplies last at these
order either of the
Umbrella import Night
Of The Living Dead
(1990) Blu-ray, go to this link:
… and
to order the Bulldog
and Ride
Warner Archive DVDs, go to this link for them and many more great
web-exclusive releases at:
Nicholas Sheffo