Dynasty: Season 8
(2015/A&E/Lionsgate DVD)
B- Sound: C+ Extras: C Episodes: C-
never seen Duck Dynasty before, but hearing about it all the
time and seeing items all over the place I was curious. For the Duck
Dynasty gang/family Season 8 begins with the guys taking
John Luke out for a bachelor type outing and playing some golf. This
sets up what comes later in the season, however, fans may be a little
disappointed by this DVD release.
those that are not familiar with the Duck Dynasty crew, they
are the Robertson family and made a fortune from their
family-oriented business called Duck Commander. They are
better known for their show and all the fun loving antics that come
with it, their beards are fairly recognizable as well.
on this two-disc set for Duck Dynasty: Season 8 include:
Grooming the Groom, Induckpendence Day, Search N' Decoy, Wild Wild
Pest, Pranks for Everything, Bachelor Party Blowout, The Ducket List,
and Pit Perfect. This is mainly the reason why the fans
of the show will be upset, you see, there are not 8 episodes this
season. There are 9 episodes and they chose to leave out their ninth
episode, John Luke Gets Hitched. So, if you are like me and
have not seen any of this show, you will be left with a void.
I stated earlier, Season 8 of Duck Dynasty starts with
John Luke and the guys going out for a bachelor outing playing golf,
but now the audience will be left wondering what happened. The last
episode is John Luke's wedding day and since it is not on either of
these two discs we are left without that conclusion. My guess is
that they are going to try and milk John Luke Gets Hitched for
all it is worth by having behind the scenes and whatnot on a special
season is presented in standard definition 16:9/1.78:1 widescreen and
a lossy Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo track for its audio. Duck
Dynasty: Season 8 has a runtime of approximately 2 hours and 56
minutes if you decide to have a marathon. The bonus features include
footage never before seen on television, which without spoiling
anything, is about what you would expect from these guys.
Jordan Whiteko