(2014/Image Blu-ray)
B+ Sound: B+ Extras: B Film: B-
Comes The Fuzz!
Filmmaker Lowell Dean's Wolfcop
is a fun B-Movie spin on the Werewolf genre that is well shot, gory,
and full of interesting special effects. The film is similar in tone
to Planet
and Army
of Darkness
with tongue in cheek humor that stretches plausibility and reality.
If you are looking for a serious Werewolf picture then watch the 2010
Universal remake of The
again. Wolfcop
can fire a gun, shed his human skin, drink whiskey like water, devour
a box of donuts, and bang hot chicks with fashion.
seeing the trailer for this film online a few months ago, I was
pretty excited to check it out and wasn't too disappointed. Wolfcop
stars stars Jesse Moss, Amy Matysio, Jonathan Cherry, Sarah Lind,
Aidan Devine, Corrine Conley and Leo Fafard.
film isn't perfect though, with its most noticeable flaw being that
it lacks a threatening central villain. The plot focuses primarily
on an alcoholic small town cop named Lou Garou (Jesse Moss) who isn't
much of a cop and lacks compassion, direction, and ambition. After
being kidnapped by a cult and cursed, Lou wakes up the next morning
and sees a pentagram carved into his chest. Immediately, he realizes
that his sense of smell has heightened, his beard hair grows bad
rapidly, and he's much stronger than he was before. On a full moon
night, he transforms into a werewolf and ends up killing some very
bad men. Soon, two close friends encounter Lou in his new form and
team up with him to bring down the evil Cult that is dwelling within
their city and expose two Shape Shifters that threaten the town's
future. Half man. Half Wolf. All Cop.
big draw for me with any werewolf movie is the transformation scene.
We have seen some truly amazing transformations over the years with
the best being John Landis' An
American Werewolf In London
and of course the Lon Chaney Jr. classic The
both being radically different in the way they were shot. Here,
Wolfcop transforms at first in a bathroom and sheds his human skin to
reveal the Wolf underneath. The idea of shedding the skin in the way
its achieved here was something I hadn't seen before and thought was
pretty impressive.
being a low budget film, the film is certainly worth checking out if
you are a fan of the goofy horror genre and like your gore with some
laughs. Some points of the film the humor is a little tasteless and
on-the-nose but other points are more spot on and effective. The
silliest scene in the film is a sex scene with the Wolfcop and a
pretty attractive Lady in a jail cell that has to be seen to be
believed. What is most shocking to me is the film's short running
time which is around 79 minutes. The story does feel complete but I
just think it could have at least ran to 90 minutes.
and sound on the disc are top notch, sporting a 1080p high definition
transfer with a 1.85:1 digital High Definition widescreen aspect
ratio and a lossless English DTS-HD Master Audio (MA) 5.1 (48kHz,
24-bit) mix that is loud and in charge.
on the disc include Film
Commentary with the Writer/Director and SFX Artist, a Wolfcop Music
Video, Wolfcop Unleashed - Behind the Scenes Featurette, The Birth of
Wolfcop, Film Outtakes, Trailers and more.
is a fun B-movie Horror entry with heart, humor, and great special
effects. Recommended.
James Harland Lockhart V