Commander: Before The Dynasty (2015/Lionsgate DVD)
C Sound: C+ Extras: D Main Program: B+
Duck Dynasty there was the Duck Commander. See what
was Duck Dynasty/Robertson
was like before they became the legend. 'Before the Dynasty' takes a
look at the highlights down memory lane in some of their best past
episodes, from family and friends to guns and gambling.
Commander: Before the Dynasty" takes a look back at the
Robertsons when their kids were still in high school, before it
became just about the Duckmen, hunting, and shenanigans. Back then,
the Duckmen did a lot more things with their family, cast and crew,
live promos, conventions, community outreach, and the respect for the
American lifestyle. From playing basketball with their kids,
teaching them hunting to hanging out with New York firefighters and
charity work with wounded U.S. Soldiers.
was a look at the Duck Dynasty before it was Duck Dynasty, to when
the Duckmen were a lot younger and they still had color in their
beards (!). You could tell Duck Dynasty back then was a lot more
diverse in their subject matter and had a larger cast of characters.
And then they realized what made the series so popular was guns,
Willie and Si crazy ideas. So they cut back on unimportant
characters and increased the more crazies and helped turn the series
into the Duck Dynasty we love today.
1.78 X 1 anamorphically enhanced image is weak however, and lossy
Dolby Digital sound is not much better, plus are no extras, so
consider tis release very basic.
Ricky Chiang