The Legend (2014/Image DVD)
C- Sound: B- Extras: D Film: D
am a huge fan of Cryptos and the Bigfoot myth. I've had the chance
to talk to some Bigfoot experts who honestly believe this creature is
real and they have shown me imprints of the foot and their evidence.
I have my reservations on whether or not the creature exists but I'll
set that aside and analyze this film for what it is. The biggest
problem with Hunting The Legend (2014) is that the filmmakers
should have created their own creature instead of using Bigfoot
himself. There has yet to be a really good Bigfoot movie. For some
reason, this creature has eluded filmmakers up to this point. I
don't view them as evil beings but more as observers and it bugs me
when movies like this one tries to make them out to be a second rate
Predator. Apparently, Bigfoot strings up corpses to trees in
their underwear according to this film.. because that makes sense.
aside, the film is really just bad from every possible standpoint.
Its apparent that there was a very loose script and that most of it
is improv. The scenes that are used as plot points are obviously
scripted and really stand out from the scenes that are improv. The
film opens with a troubled teen whose Father was kidnapped by the
Bigfoot creature during a deer hunt in his youth. We are whisked
away on his vengeful quest to find and kill the monster. We are
treated to a sequence of badly acted interviews with town locals who
have heard of or encountered the Bigfoot.
our main character gathers up some friends and they are lead to a
jaded Country Man who hunts Sasquatch and lives in a log cabin with
his dogs who tells them in one painfully long wide shot that lasts
several minutes about his encounters with the creatures. The found
footage concept is definitely used throughout as a gimmick that grows
very tired early on. After the encounter with the creepy County Man,
the crew takes off into the woods and find nothing and bicker and
argue. Soon, they come across that corpse tied to a tree I was
telling you about before, followed by several minutes of shaky
running while holding a camera. I'm sure if this film was viewed in
a theater they would be handing out vomit bags at the box office.
the Bigfoot monsters start making noises the teenage cast starts to
shake, puke, and cry. The acting is so bad it makes this film a
comedy. A highlight is when one guy who thinks he's an actor
delivers a two minute monologue about how the footage that is found
must be preserved. It had me in stitches it was so hilariously bad.
One by one the teens get killed off by the creatures and yell and
scream at nothing. I won't spoil the nail biting ending for you but
let me assure you that its underwhelming and full of text
quality on this disc makes it apparent that the film was shot with
several different cameras. Some of the interviews are crisp early on
but soon the quality varies from bad to worse really showing the
amateurish aspect to the film. There are even moments in
nightvision! So many of the shots are overexposed its funny. Which
in a way, is kind of what they are going for. Sound is presented in
a lossy Dolby Digital 5.1 track and is as good as it can be. I hope
the studio passes on a Blu-ray release. That is the first time I
have ever written that in a review too you should know.
features are on the disc except for chapter selections. I also want
to add that the filmmaker of this film is obviously named Justin
Steeley. And to this filmmaker, I would like to suggest not listing
your name in the credits for every aspect of the production. It
really makes you look un-impressive. Just say A film by Justin
Steely. That sums it up.
James Harland Lockhart V