Spider-Man (2012)/Angels
& Demons
(2009)/Battle: Los
(2002)/Spider-Man 2
(2004)/Taxi Driver
(1976)/Total Recall
(2012 remake/Sony Mastered
In 4K series Blu-rays)
B+/B+/B/B/A-/A-/A-/B Sound: A-/B+/B/B/A-/A-/B/B+ Extras: D
Films: B/C+/C/B-/B-/B-/A-/C
All of these Blu-rays are basic editions with no extras that offer
1080p High Definition like regular Blu-rays, but are from superior
master sources and are meant to look great on new Ultra HDTVs as
well, especially via what is also known as xvYCC and can only work
though newer, higher state of the art HDMI cables (we recommend 1.3
through 2.0 at this time).
there popular, defunct SuperBit
DVD series, but much better all around, Sony has started to issue key
titles under a new series called Mastered
In 4K,
which they are also using on some titles that are new or in special
edition form, but his series is state-of-the-art for playback on
Blu-ray and we continue covering a big cross-section of these titles
after testing over the last few months and more. Links will appear
where we have reviewed the titles before, then we'll add comments.
Otherwise, we'll start anew...
Webb's The
Amazing Spider-Man
(2012) was already a terrific release in the Blu-ray 3D package with
Blu-ray 2D as reviewed here:
big surprise here in this 2D-only version is not only is it superior
to the 2D version form that set (free of sharing the Blu-ray disc
with extras), but the DTS-HD MA (Master Audio) lossless 5.1 mix
offers more detail, warmth and depth than either version from that
set. A remarkable relaunch of the character and still my favorite
film based on the character to date (though I really enjoyed the
easy-to-underrate Amazing
Spider-Man 2
(2014) we look forward to covering soon) that goes all out, you can
appreciate this film more here and shows just how much hard work went
into it. This is one of my favorite in this new Mastered
In 4K
series and is as much a demo as anything on this list.
Howard's Angels
& Demons
(2009) is the sequel (based on the prequel novel to) The
Da Vinci Code,
but was not as big a hit in the U.S.; we reviewed the Blu-ray and DVD
when it came out at this link:
two cuts of the film made no difference to me then and this
theatrical version only very marginally and slightly looks better
than the previous Blu-ray, so unless you love this version, you are
better off with the older Blu-ray. However, very large HDTVs and
Ultra HDTVs might benefit slightly more.
Liebesman's Battle:
Los Angeles
(2011) is part of an underdiscussed cycle of war porn action films
that were unintentionally launched by Paul Verhoeven's underrated
(1997, reviewed elsewhere on this site and deserving of a Mastered
In 4K
edition of its own) and occasionally matched in irony and
intelligence by films like District
but usually as bad as Battleship
or other horrid such films like it.
some money on the screen, some good sound (if not visual) demo
moments and a cast that includes Aaron Eckhart, Michele Rodriguez,
Bridget Moynahan, Michael Pena and Ne-Yo, this is not a total bore or
run-of-the-mill disaster, but doesn't do much of anything we have not
seen before. In addition, this is one of those de-colored films, so
any color improvements to the 1080p 2.35 X 1 digital High Definition
image are very minimal and definition is good, but we never saw the
older Blu-ray, so who knows by how much. However, there are no
major issues and fans will be mostly interested in this case, plus
the DTS-HD MA (Master Audio) 5.1 mix is at least consistent
throughout if not offering many demo moments.
Reitman's Ghostbusters (1984) has come out in so many
sub-standard releases from the letterboxed old 12-inch Criterion
LaserDisc with bleeding colors, to many a disappointing DVDs to a
Blu-ray with noisy, fuzzy image playback that if any classic Columbia
blockbuster needed the help and upgrade, this one is it. The result
is a 1080p 2.35 X 1 digital High Definition image that is finally
clean, color-correct and looks like the film that arrived in theaters
in 1984, including in 70mm blow-up prints. A little more work could
be used in a few shots and Sony is already using this transfer for a
new anniversary special edition Blu-ray, but that might be
compromised by extras on the same disc, so you'll want to get this
basic edition either way, especially if you are a fan and one fed up
with the lame past copies.
issued in 4.1 magnetic Dolby stereo sound exclusively in its 70mm
presentations, the lossless Dolby TrueHD 5.1 sound upgrade is a
little towards the front channels as expected, but this is also the
best the film has sounded in decades, so we definitely recommend this
Raimi's Spider-Man
(2002) and Spider-Man
(2004) were already very impressive in two different Blu-ray edition
we reviewed in Trilogy box sets as follows:
Box with Dolby TrueHD 5.1 mixes
Box with DTS-HD MA (Master Audio) 5.1 mixes
2.35 X 1 digital High Definition transfers look like the same masters
with the same great definition and color, but very slightly better,
while the first film has Dolby TrueHD 5.1 and the second, DTS-HD MA
5.1 sound. Maybe this would help on very large HDTVs and HDTVs, but
maybe not by much since the first sets looked so good and these films
are visually top rate to being with, VistaVision visual effects work
included. Fans will ant them and Spider-Man 3 was recently issued as
a Mastered In 4K release, so we hope to get to that one soon.
Scorsese's Taxi
(1976) is an all-time classic and one of the last of the cycle of
original, serious Vietnam Vets coming home films with as much power
as any of them. Robert De Niro cemented his big screen cinematic
immortality as Travis Bickle, a down-on-his-luck loner who decides to
take on a new job to make money, but has many opinions and sees the
world to himself as very rotten and rotting despite trying to be a
nice guy. However, the more we see his behavior and bad judgments,
the more we realize the war experience has damaged him and seeing the
country he was fighting for continuing to spin out of control and
downward to him, starts to come up with some ideas of his own on what
to do about it.
film is a masterwork by a Martin Scorsese in his early prime. There
is hardly anything here that does not work and this is off of the 4K
reissue supervised by Scorsese himself in a restoration that not only
received a critically acclaimed reissue, but was used on a
spectacular special edition Blu-ray with a ton of extras including
his classic Criterion 12-inch LaserDisc audio commentary. The film
(in 1.85 X 1 digital High Definition) looked and sounded great on
that edition, but here in comparison, is even more stunning like a
film print someone left in an attic for 4 decades and somehow
remained untouched, pristine and stunning. Director of Photography
Michael Chapman helps provide even more impactful visuals and a
superior use of color, while the mighty Bernard Herrmann delivered
another stunning, classic, unforgettable score. It would be his
recommend this version to see the film at its best and the special
edition for the extras, but if you have never seen the film, get this
version first.
we have Len Wiseman's unfortunate remake of Total
(2012) here only in its theatrical cut. We reviewed the original
Blu-ray with that cut, plus a longer version that was barely better
at this link:
Los Angeles,
any improvements in color is highly minimal since this has very
limited color to begin with. Detail is hardly better either, but the
older Blu-ray had some sound clipping issues, it turns out. Those
who think the longer version was better is out of luck sonically, but
the Dolby True HD lossless mix here has been reduced from 7.1 on the
older version to 5.1 here!
makes no sense either, but little has since this was greenlit a few
years ago and so far, any sequels (they did not do as much with the
original book as Paul Verhoeven did in his original 1990 film) have
been put on the back-burner. Let's hope it stays that way.
the discs have no extras, out copies offered Ultraviolet Copy (now
called Digital Copy) for a limited time.
Nicholas Sheffo