Kills (2011/Vivendi DVD)
C Sound: C Extras: C Main Program: C+
(Jade Dornfeld) is just your average young office lady, but after a
night of drugs, alcohol, partying with loser guys she accidentally
pushes her friend off the roof. As she panics that she will be
blamed, she becomes paranoid, and decides to get rid of all the
evidence, by killing anyone who was involved with her that night!
Jay Lee's Alyce Kills (2011), we get a socially repressed
quiet girl who, after a hard day's work, goes out partying with her
girlfriend. As they get drunk and get high, they release their
repressed emotions and thoughts, until Alyce believes she killed her
friend, but after finding out she still is alive, she begins to to
turn into a paranoid psychotic killer. She first kills a good friend
and then begins getting her revenge on everyone she believed who
wronged her.
film was just another night of drinking and drugs gone wrong, the
story of a quiet girl who suddenly turns into a killer (it's always
the quiet ones) and everything we've seen before with some effort,
but not enough. As she kill one person after another in this badly
scripted romp, she soon begins to realize she has to kill another,
soon it becomes a never ending cycle of gore of killing and getting
rid of the bodies afterwords.
anamorphically enhanced 1.85 X 1 image is weak with bad Video Black,
while the lossy Dolby Digital 5.1 mix more than exposes the weakness
in the recording process. Extras include behind the scenes, cast
interview and trailer.
Ricky Chiang