Sabin's Power Rangers: Super Samurai Volumes 1
& 2 + Monster Bash (Lionsgate
B- Sound: B- Extras: C Episodes: B+
Go Go
Power Rangers Samurai! Join Jayden,
Kevin, Mia, Emily, Mike and Antonio for more samurai action. The Nighloks are back and more powerful than
ever, only the Samurai Rangers can stop them. With the new weapons, allies, and
zords, the Power Ranger Samurai must evolve new powers to combat Master Xandred
and his minions.
The evil
Master Xandred and his new ally Serrator have combined powers to stop the Power
Rangers. Not only that, the Nighloks and Moogers are evolving and becoming
stronger than before. Fortunately with
the mysterious legendary Black Box, the Power Rangers Samurai evolved into Power Rangers Super Samurai. Along with their new ally the Gold Ranger and
his zord they combine their powers and form new zords, including the BullZord
and GigaZord.
Get ready
for another season of Power Rangers Super
Samurai (in two DVD volumes here), as the team learns to work together,
make friends, and save the day they show the power of good always wins over
evil. They battle day to day to send
evil monsters back to their dimension, they morph with their spirit symbols and
zords (gigantic robots) to combat evil. Extras
include music videos, character and weapon gallery, and trailer, includes two
Halloween episodes from the original Mighty
Morphin Power Rangers.
Vol 1
Super Samurai
must fix the legendary Black Box for the Ranger to evolve into Super Samurai,
but will he make it in time?
Shell Game
invincible Nighlok with a super hard shell attack the Samurai Rangers, they
have to find some way to crack his nut.
Trading Places
A Nighlok
with the power to switch people spirits into objects, and when 4 of the Ranger's
spirits get stolen it is up to the remaining two to free them.
Something Fishy
getting turned into a fish, Antonio must either over come his fears or quit being
a Power Ranger.
Vol 2
The Rescue
Mentor Ji
and Antonio get kidnapped by the Nighloks, and they have a trap laid in store
in store for the rangers.
The BullZord
A young
guardian accidentally releases a powerful, out of control, rampaging zord, can
the Power Rangers tame this new Zord?
He Ain't Heavy Metal, He's My
rock n' roll brother come for a visit and puts on a concert for the
Kevin's Choice
looks back at his old life and wonder what he left. The Power Ranger must
combine all their Zords to form the all powerful Gigazord to stop Master
Xandred's latest Nighlok.
Samurai Power Rangers "Party
The ghost
of the defeated Nighloks reminisces about their battles with the Samurai Power
Ranger in a Halloween Bash.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
"Life's a Masquerade"
A Pumpkin
monster attacks the Halloween Game show.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
"Trick or Treat"
A Frankenstein
monster crashes the Halloween costume contest.
- Ricky Chiang